August 2013 Updates: Website Redesign, Meeting New People and $100 Discount to The Art of Marketing

I spent the long weekend in the Okanagan. This region in British Columbia, known for its wineries, warm weather, and the beautiful Okanagan Lake, was the perfect setting for my monthly reflection.

Lake Okanagan from Naramata Bench

Lake Okanagan from Naramata Bench

A few days after the end of every month, I reflect on what's happened in life, business and on this website. By jotting everything down in my trusty notebook, I'm able to get a clearer picture of the direction I'm heading. It allows me to focus and re-prioritize. Also, this is a great way to catch up if you have missed some posts.


I wrote about organizing a social media conference in How OMG Social Media Conference Simplifies Social Media For Your Business, and dedicated a blog post to my dad in How I Learnt to Start a Business From a Man Who Led 10,000 People.

What Went Well

I completed my website redesign. After a few weeks of planning without any action, I set aside time at the end of August to work on the design and copy. 48 hours later, and I have a website that I believe is more aesthetically-pleasing, while still being clean, minimalist, and represents me as a person. 

I met some amazing people. For many reasons, I hadn't been actively attending events around town. Primarily, this was because I was sick of how most people interacted with one another. It seemed like everyone was measuring each other up and asking themselves, "What can this person do for me?". In August, I restarted and went to a few events. I was blown away by how genuine and authentic the people I met were. I talk more about some of those people below.

What Can Be Improved

I focused waaaay too much time on social media and marketing. Rather than spending my time writing, I used it to browse social media, exchange conversations with people and read even more books. Don't get me wrong. These are integral functions in any business. However, what I want to be known for is my writing. Without any writing, this can't actually be done. To improve, I am going to write more. 


I'm thankful to Salina Siu, Lesley Yuen, and the rest of the OMG Social Media Conference team. We worked tirelessly in the past year to organize a conference that we hoped would help small business owners to better understand social media. There were moments when we worried about the outcome. Ultimately, our conference sold out and feedback was overwhelmingly amazing!

I'm thankful to Tina from Real World Degree for inspiring me to push forward with this blog. She is an example of someone who leads a life following her own values. Forgoing traditional education, she is attaining her 'real world degree' by travelling around the world. We met at Natalie Sisson's Suitcase Entrepreneur book launch in Vancouver. A few weeks later, we grabbed dinner, where she told me her story over giant sushi rolls and chicken katsu. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. 

I'm thankful to Sven Winter for sharing with me the book he says has changed his life. I'm on the second chapter of Jeff Olson's The Slight Edge, and have already taken pages of notes and comments. Sven lives and breathes the Slight Edge philosophy. 

What's Coming Next


September is an exciting month. I had my first day back to school, entering my final year of university. I've also begun my term at Startup Canada, the nation's volunteer-run, entrepreneur-led organization. They stand for a mission I strongly believe in, which is to support and celebrate Canadian entrepreneurship. Taking the role of 1000 Startups Co-Lead, this exciting opportunity lets me do exactly what I love to do — hear the stories of entrepreneurs, and help them share their stories with the world. As Co-Lead, my main responsibility is handling the Communications aspect of the campaign. In the same organization, I'm also taking on the role of Assistant Editor and Social Media Lead for PIVOT Magazine, Startup Canada's publication. Fun fact: it was my childhood dream to take on an editorial role in a magazine. I'm excited to be able to fulfill this dream!

I've also begun my training to become a Career Peer Advisor at my university. For the next 8-12 months, I'll be meeting with students and recent graduates seeking resources in careers, job hunting, resume and cover letter writing. 

On a last note, I'll be attending The Art of Marketing in Vancouver! Featuring 10 internationally renowned speakers and bestselling authors, including Arianna Huffington and Scooter Braun, the event will surely be a great learning experience. I'm particularly interested to hear from Jonah Berger, author of Contagious. The team at OMG Social Media Conference has partnered with The Art Of to give a special discount, which I'd love to share with you. You can save up to $100 on registration, by following this link


My goal is to publish at least 1-2 of my writings each week. This month, I'll write about the following:

  • Foundation: The 10-Part Guide to Leading a Value-Driven Business
  • Free is Not a Dirty Word: How to Invest in Yourself Without Spending a Penny

I hope I can give value to you with my writing, and am always open to your feedback. 


I'm in the early stages of creating a workbook that's aimed at helping people create a blueprint to building a business they've always wanted — one that aligns with the values they stand for. Stay tuned for this. 

I'd Love to Hear From You

Tell me your story. Who are you, where are you from, and what are you most excited to learn about? Send me an email in my contact page, and I'll be sure to keep you in mind for future writings. 

Leave a comment on any of my blog posts. I'd like to hear your perspective and opinion on topics I write about. Feel free to share your comments, as well as include a link to your own website. I'd like to check out your website too. 

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Spread the word. If you know anyone who would find value from reading my website, send it to them by email, Twitter, or simply by telling them about it.

Thank you for being here. Don't forget to lead a life and make decisions based on your own values.